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심리학 엿보기/HR과 커리어의 경계

Class article list

by 心조교 2008. 8. 18.
2008-1 인사훈련.

Noe, Raymond A (2006). Employee Training and Development. McGraw-Hill College

3/15 Relationship between conscientiousness and learning in employee training: Mediating influences of self-deception and self-efficacy
3/21 The outsourcing of training and development: factors impacting client satisfaction
3/28 Effects of feedback in struction, and initial performance level upon training and persistence of verbal rehearsal
3/28 Performance feedback effects in training
4/11 The effects of training goal setting, and knowledge of results on safe behavior: A component analysis
4/11 Improving safety performance with goal setting and feedback
4/18 Evaluating developmental assessment centers as interventions
5/02 Comparing traditional and integrative learning methods in organizational training programs
5/02 Examining the factor structure of participant reactions to training: A multidimensional approach
5/16 Comparison of Early Retirees and Non-retirees
5/30 Psychological success and the boundaryless carrer
6/20 주도성과 핵심자기평가가 경력성공에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구